Drug-resistant Infections: A Growing Threat

WHO has identified antibiotic overuse as one of the world's most pressing health issues. Drug-resistant...

Dealing with Economic Hardship

Stress can be caused by financial issues. You may be embarrassed by your situation, or...

Overworking: The real consequences

Work burnout is a term you may be familiar with. Maintaining a balance between your...

How to fall asleep fast?

Are you able fall asleep quickly if you go to bed late knowing that...
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New techniques to prevent dementia

In 2017, the Lancet Commission released its findings. The Lancet Commission released its findings in 2017. They stated that the factors included high blood pressure and obesity. Since...

You can improve your posture by following these steps

Good posture is more than simply standing straight up to look good. Long-term, it is vital to your health. Holding your body properly, whether or not...

Core Habits to Solid Mental Health

Mental health is a topic that's being discussed a lot these days. You may hear people talk about their mental health during conversations, on your...

Learn to tune in with your Circadian rhythm

Circadian rhythm refers to the internal, natural clock that controls the body's sleep-wake cycle. The suprachiasmatic (SCN) nucleus of the brain is responsible for controlling...

What are the benefits of walking for people with diabetes?

Exercise is a vital part of managing diabetes or other chronic diseases. Exercise can help control weight, lower your blood pressure, reduce harmful LDL cholesterol...

Three Easy Ways to Lose weight Quickly and Effectively

Weight loss is not the solution to all health problems, but it certainly can have an impact. There are several things you can try to...

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Must Read


How Much Sunshine is Too Much?

The Ultraviolet Index (UV Index) is a useful tool for forecasting how long we...

Cereal for Breakfast: Should you Eat It?

It is convenient and easy to eat ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. Cereal has been a staple...

What are the benefits of walking for people with...

Exercise is a vital part of managing diabetes or other chronic diseases. Exercise can help...

Sleep Positions: Dangers and benefits of each.

Did you know that how you sleep can affect your health and wellbeing? Most of us...

Bucketlist Experiences

Foods that nourish hair health

Most people want thick, healthy hair as they get older. How quickly your hair grows...

What are Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is a method of exercise that uses speed and force to increase muscle...

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