Online Therapy: Is it a Good Idea or Not?

COVID-19 has led to an increase in online platforms, both for our work and personal lives. Two years on, many of these platforms are still thriving. It’s difficult to ignore online therapy platforms when discussing this. You may wonder if it’s worth the effort. Online therapy is it a good idea or not?

What is Online Therapy?

Online Therapy can be used for a wide range of mental disorders. This includes bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety.

It is possible to treat anxiety disorders with this type of therapy, as you do not have to worry about making appointments or finding transport to and from the therapist’s offices. It is easier for those with anxiety disorders, to adhere to their treatment plan.

You can also communicate with your therapist online in real-time via text messages or video calls. You can ask questions regarding your symptoms, and how they relate with the cause of your disorder. You can also feel more comfortable with sharing information about yourself that you might not be able to do in person.

Many people with anxiety disorders are afraid to travel alone on public transport or leave their home because they fear having a panic disorder in crowded places. Online therapy eliminates these fears because the client communicates with their therapist online, not in person.

Is Online Therapy Effective

According research online therapy is just as effective as in-person counselling for a wide range of mental health problems. A review of scientific literature found that cognitive behavior therapy delivered via the internet is as effective as in-person treatment for mild depression. A second study found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy delivered online for anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder and panic disorder is just as effective as face-to-face sessions.


It’s difficult enough for some people to admit that they may need therapy. It can be overwhelming to try and find a good therapy, book an appointment and drive there.

Consider those people who find it difficult to leave their home, due to a disability or mental illness. Online therapy could be the solution to sleepless nights in these situations.

Online therapy is a great idea and appears to work. It’s what many people have been looking for.

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