Sun Protection on Cloudy Days

Did you know that two types of sun rays can reach the atmosphere from the Earth? Both can cause damage to our skin. UVB rays can be harmful immediately. UVA rays are responsible for the long-term effects, such as premature aging.

Understanding the UV Level

The UV level is the measurement of how much UV light reaches Earth’s surface, on a scale of one to twenty. Three or more levels are considered high enough to cause skin damage.

Some UV forecasts calculate the UV level using a clear, sunny sky. They ignore clouds, pollution, and rain. This gives you the maximum UV rays during the day.

UV Levels on Cloudy Days

When the sun is out, it’s simple to remember how important sunscreen is. What about clouds? Does it matter if the sun is overcast?

You should wear sunscreen whenever you are in the sun. Even when it is cloudy, UV rays can cause sunburns and damage to your skin.

Cloud cover does not stop UV rays reaching your skin. Clouds may filter some UV rays, but not enough to stop damage.

They also shield us from the sun’s heat, making us feel cooler. They also trap heat in the air around them which makes them feel warmer than normal. Even if the weather is cool, there is still enough heat to burn skin if exposed for long enough.

How can you stay protected?

If it is cloudy or cool outside, you may not think the sun is a danger. But if you look at the cloudy days. Clouds can block some UV exposure but not all. Add sunscreen to your daily regimen as a rule of thumb, so that you are always protected.

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